Quality material options for high-performance applications
We know material choice greatly impacts engineers’ ability to meet benchmark requirements – especially when dealing with wear issues in extreme conditions. Your application requirements demand lasting, reliable materials that will hold up to corrosion, heat, and wear.
For high-performance applications, JJISCO’s Family of LASTing Brands® offers the highest quality hard material options, including silicon carbide, tungsten carbide, and advanced ceramics. We can fine-tune the thermal, biochemical, mechanical, and electrical property combinations to match the needs of your specific application. Our in-house engineers are happy answer any questions you might have to ensure a successful and cost-effective end product.

Family of Lasting Brands

Silicon Carbide
- AlphaLAST® Sintered SiC
- UltraLAST® Controlled Porous Sintered SiC
- DuraLAST® Controlled Large Grain Sintered SiC
- G LAST® Sintered SiC with Interspersed Free Graphite
- SemiLAST® Ultra High Purity Sintered SiC
- Extrema® Reaction Bonded SiC
- Extrema® RB SiC + G Reaction Bonded SiC with Interspersed Free Graphite
- GraphaLAST® Siliconized Graphite

Tungsten Carbide
- NiLAST® Nickel Binder Tungsten Carbide
- BlackLAST® Cobalt Binder Tungsten Carbide
Contact Us
Contact us to discuss your material needs and concerns, and our experts will make recommendations for the best solution to your particular application.