Semiconductor Components

Semiconductor Components

JJISCO’s high purity, high density, solid silicon carbide product offering is specifically developed for the rigorous demands of wafer processing. JJISCO provides custom designs to meet your specific semiconductor component size and shape needs. These silicon carbide components will operate in the clean environments that semiconductor manufacturing requires. Our SemiLAST® grade provides a high performance material that has proven successful in a wide variety of applications due to its material makeup.

Some of the material characteristics include:

Our SemiLAST parts offer an excellent material choice for your most critical semiconductor applications. We are committed to assisting in new designs that address the ever-changing needs of this industry. SemiLAST products are designed to aid manufacturers by providing new or existing close-tolerance semiconductor processing components such as:

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If you have a requirement, we will provide a solution. We will provide value. We will provide local technical support . Our Lasting Brands of Products will provide Tomorrow’s Technology Today .